ISBN 978-3-03777-281-2
76 pages
format 21.0 x 29.5 cm
The Swiss Business in China Survey 2023
Tomas Casas i Klett, Nicolas Musy, Zhen Xiao (dir.)
The Swiss Business in China Survey 2023 is the second such inquiry carried out since the start of the pandemic and follows previous editions published between 2006-2020, and, after a COVID-induced hiatus in 2021, the 2022 report.
Due to the Chinese government’s lifting of the zero-COVID restrictions in the midst of the data collection process, this survey is unique in that it is able to compare the perceptions of Swiss businesses both prior and subsequent to the end of COVID-19 restrictions. Additionally, since the Chinese government went from a strict zero-COVID policy to no restrictions at all in the space of a few weeks — and since we interrupted the data collection process during that transition—the results present a clear differentiated picture of how these two very different policies impacted the business environment.
The editors, authors and survey team hope that the results will be useful in benchmarking the activities of Swiss and other foreign firms in China. Moreover, the analyses may assist business decision-making and increase the overall level of understanding of the Chinese market with its unique challenges and opportunities.
Most of all, the authors hope that this report will contribute to creating more successful business opportunities for Swiss companies in post-pandemic China.