Franziska Ehrler, Felix Bühlmann, Peter Farago, François Höpflinger, Dominique Joye, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter (ed.)
Swiss Social Report
Franziska Ehrler, Felix Bühlmann, Peter Farago, François Höpflinger, Dominique Joye, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter (ed.)
Sozialbericht 2016: Wohlbefinden
Franziska Ehrler, Felix Bühlmann, Peter Farago, François Höpflinger, Dominique Joye, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter (ed.)
Swiss Social Report 2016: Wellbeing
Felix Bühlmann, Céline Schmid Botkine, Peter Farago, François Höpflinger, Dominique Joye, René Levy, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter (ed.)
Swiss Social Report 2012: Generations in Perspective
Felix Bühlmann, Céline Schmid Botkine, Peter Farago, François Höpflinger, Dominique Joye, René Levy, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter (ed.)
Rapport social 2012: Générations en jeu
Felix Bühlmann, Céline Schmid Botkine, Peter Farago, François Höpflinger, Dominique Joye, René Levy, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter (ed.)
Sozialbericht 2012: Fokus Generationen
Christian Suter, Silvia Perrenoud, René Levy, Ursina Kuhn, Dominique Joye, Pascale Gazareth (ed.)
Rapport social 2008
La Suisse mesurée et comparée
Christian Suter, Silvia Perrenoud, René Levy, Ursina Kuhn, Dominique Joye, Pascale Gazareth (ed.)
Sozialbericht 2008
Die Schweiz vermessen und verglichen
Christian Suter, Silvia Perrenoud, René Levy, Ursina Kuhn, Dominique Joye, Pascale Gazareth (ed.)
Swiss Social Report 2008
Switzerland Measured and Compared. Indicators and Summaries (incl. CD for free)
Christian Suter, Isabelle Renschler, Dominique Joye (ed.)
Rapport social 2004
Christian Suter, Isabelle Renschler, Dominique Joye (ed.)
Sozialbericht 2004
Rapport social 2000
Christian Suter (ed.)
Sozialbericht 2000
The Swiss Social Report is a publication that, since 2000, appears every four years, thanks to the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. It consists of 75 indicators classified according to five major themes: the distribution of social goods, cultural diversity, social integration, political life, and the environment. These social indicators are supplemented with in-depth texts written by specialists from Swiss universities. The Social Report is directed by a multidisciplinary team coming from a variety of academic disciplines, and has been published under the aegis of FORS since 2008.
Data and more information is available on the homepage of FORS.