Gender Issues
Katrin Meyer, Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid, Yunna Skliarova (ed.)
Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage: Critical Feminist Interventions
Thierry Delessert, Chiara Boraschi, Nelly Valsangiacomo (ed.)
Pauvres, immorales et contraintes
Les adversités des mères célibataires en Suisse
Devenir travailleuse domestique
Perspectives philippines
Selbstverständlich – und doch umstritten
Wie sich Organisationen bezüglich Gleichstellung legitimieren
Dominique Grisard, Annelise Erismann, Janine Dahinden (ed.)
Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective
AG Transformation von Männlichkeiten (ed.)
Zeitdiagnose Männlichkeiten Schweiz
Sortons du ghetto
Histoire politique des homosexualités en Suisse, 1950-1990
Edith Guilley, Carolina Carvalho Arruda, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Lavinia Gianettoni, Dinah Gross, Dominique Joye, Elisabeth Issaieva Moubarak Nahra, Karin Müller
À l’école du genre
Projets professionnels de jeunes en Suisse
Véronique Jaquier, Joëlle Vuille
Les femmes et la question criminelle
Délits commis, expériences de victimisation et professions judiciaires
Jean-Marie Le Goff, René Levy (ed.)
Devenir parents, devenir inégaux
Transition à la parentalité et inégalités de genre
Delphine Gardey, Cynthia Kraus (ed.)
Politics of Coalition
Thinking Collective Action with Judith Butler
Pour qui luttent les femmes?
De la représentation des intérêts des femmes au Parlement suisse
... und es kamen auch Frauen
Engagement italienischer Migrantinnen in Politik und Gesellschaft der Nachkriegsschweiz
Passagen - Forschungskreis Migration und Geschlecht (ed.)
Vielfältig alltäglich: Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz
Déplier le genre
Enquête épistémologique sur le féminisme antinaturaliste
Anne-Françoise Praz, Sylvie Burgnard (ed.)
Genre et bien-être
Questionner les inégalités
Comment tenir le coup dans un sale boulot
Hintergründe, Massnahmen, lokale und transnationale Dynamiken
Farinaz Fassa, Sabine Kradolfer (ed.)
Le plafond de fer de l'université
Femmes et carrières
Sylvie Durrer, Nicole Jufer, Stéphanie Pahud
La place des femmes et des hommes dans la presse écrite généraliste de Suisse romande des années 80 à nos jours
Parcours féminins et masculins de spécialisation en médecine
Le système de genre
Introduction aux concepts et théories
Gender Studies developed alongside and emerged out of feminist movements and critical theorizing of the 20th century. Today they are both recognized as a discrete teaching and research area and an integral part of various disciplines. Gender Studies analyze how gender constitutes social order and power relations past and present. It is in this respect that gender is not understood as a biological or natural constant but as a historically and culturally specific, life-long process of differentiation and becoming and as a way of existence. Gender is thus always also an effect of social and individual processes.
The book series “Gender Issues” unites theoretical and empirical work in the field of Gender Studies in the humanities and the social sciences. The series is open to different disciplines and languages. It may thus be understood as bridging the gap between different research sensibilities and language cultures.
The series “Gender Issues” is edited by the Swiss Association for Gender Studies. The series is peer-reviewed and open-access.
Janine Dahinden, Transnational Studies, Laboratory for the Study of Social Processes, University of Neuchâtel
Ilana Eloit, sociologist and historian, Institute of Gender Studies, University of Geneva
Dominique Grisard, historian, Center for Gender Studies, University of Basel
Faten Khazaei, sociologist and intersectionality scholar, Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University
Eléonore Lépinard, sociologist, Center for Gender Studies, University of Lausanne
Marylène Lieber, sociologist, Institute of Gender Studies, University of Geneva
Katrin Meyer, philosopher, Gender Studies / Philosophy, Department of Gender Studies at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich
Helena Rust, Middle Eastern Studies, Department of Gender Studies at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich