Sandro Cattacin, Rosita Fibbi, Philippe Wanner, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ed.)
The New Second Generation
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ed.)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40/3
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ed.)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 41/1
René Knüsel, Jean-François Bickel, François Höpflinger, Béatrice Vatron-Steiner (ed.)
Transformations of Retirement Policies
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 50/3
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 48/2
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 46/1
Barbara Duc, Kerstin Duemmler, Héloïse Durler, Philippe Losego (ed.)
How the World of Work Transforms Educational Institutions
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45/2
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45/1
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44/3
Stéphane Cullati, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, (ed.)
Vulnerability in Health Trajectories: Life Course Perspectives
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44/1
Rolf Becker, Ben Jann, Eric D. Widmer (ed.)
Educational Expansion, Family Interactions, and the Open Society
André Ducret, Andrea Glauser, Olivier Moeschler, Valérie Rolle (ed.)
Art, Work and (De-)regulation
René Knüsel, Jean-François Bickel, François Höpflinger, Béatrice Vatron-Steiner (ed.)
Transformations of Retirement Policies
Brigitte Liebig, René Levy, Birgit Sauer, Alfonso Sousa-Poza (ed.)
Gender Equality Policies in Switzerland: Institutional Factors of Success and Failure
Mark Herkenrath, Christian Suter (ed.)
The Global Economic Crisis: Perspections and Impacts
Oliver Lipps, Robin Tillmann, Ursina Kuhn, Dean Lillard, Manfred Max Bergman (ed.)
Social Science Research with Panel Data in Switzerland
Christian Imdorf, Mona Granato, Gilles Moreau, George Waardenburg, Manfred Max Bergman (ed.)
Sociology of Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland, France and Germany
Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Eric D. Widmer, Dale Dannefer (ed.)
Cumulative and Compensatory Effects over the Life Course
Manfred Max Bergman, Peter Imbusch, Ueli Mäder, Michael Nollert (ed.)
War, a Challenge to Sociology
Carsten Keller, Franz Schultheis, Manfred Max Bergman (ed.)
Urban Riots and Youth Violence
German and French Perspectives
Regula Julia Leemann, Christian Imdorf, Philipp Gonon, Moritz Rosenmund (ed.)
Change and Reforms in Educational Systems and Organizations
Caroline Henchoz, Fabrice Plomb, Francesca Poglia Mileti, Franz Schultheis (ed.)
Economic Socialization and Financial Practices of Young People
Robin Tillmann, Marieke Voorpostel (ed.)